Is Your Telehealth Practice Long-Haul Legal?

Is Your Telehealth Practice Long-Haul Legal?

Telemedicine continues to rise in popularity, and we continue to help practitioners add this valuable alternative to their practice. With the recent and continuing changes in HIPAA enforcement, it is more important than ever to remain up to date on telehealth compliance. As I continue to ask practitioners what platform they are using and what they do and don’t like about its function, I will continue to share that information with you.


You may have heard that due to COVID-19, some regulation penalties have been relaxed concerning telemedicine delivery (learn more here). It is impossible to predict when or if these regulations will tighten up, but I always suggest that you set your practice up for long-term compliance and success. While you may find ZOOM a quick solution today, it might not be the best long-term solution as their HIPAA-compliant plan can be quite costly for a small practice. It also does not include robust features that streamline your practice in other ways.


Today, I bring you an interview with Dr. Megan Byrne who shares her favorite platform for conducting HIPAA-compliant telehealth visits that also contains a robust patient management system.  Click here to watch the video!


If you are not offering telehealth in your practice but would like to start, I am happy to help walk you through the process of how telehealth can easily be added to your current offerings. Schedule a call here.


If you are looking for assistance, guidance or execution in DIY marketing, branding or business strategy, Ashley provides affordable solutions and suggestions for health and wellness professionals throughout the country. Visit for more information.

Call 314-799-0216, email or book a free 15-minute consultation here.


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